Michael Engley Financial Translationsflags

I honed my spoken and written German language skills to quasi-native fluency and became fully acquainted with German culture, society, politics, and history as well as the German economy during the ten years that I lived in Freiburg. My solid understanding of German and my longstanding passion for English as a written language enable me to delve beneath the surface of a text to clearly and concisely convey the author's intent.

About Me

I am certified by the American Translators Association (ATA) for German into English translation and earned a Master of Accountancy from the University of Louisville after previously studying Economics (Diplom Volkswirtschaftslehre) at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg in Germany, concentrating in Finance & Accounting and German Tax Law.

My studies in Germany provided a sound basis for understanding economic and financial issues, as well as the German Commercial Code, German GAAP accounting and auditing standards, and various issues of international taxation. But my primary focus throughout my studies and beyond has been on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).

Before studying Economics and Accounting, I first began studying Creative Writing and Comparative Literature as well as German at the University of Michigan.These studies evolved into Anglistik and Germanistik after I decided to remain in Freiburg following the completion of a study abroad program. However, I switched to Economics before completing my undergraduate studies in the humanities.

I honed my spoken and written German language skills to quasi-native fluency and became fully acquainted with German culture, society, politics, and history as well as the German economy during the ten years that I lived in Freiburg. My solid understanding of German and my longstanding passion for English as a written language enable me to delve beneath the surface of a text to clearly and concisely convey the author's intent.

I began translating part-time in 1999 and switched to full-time freelance translation in 2006, since which time I have been an active member of the ATA's German Language Division (GLD). I regularly attend the annual ATA conference and also frequent smaller weekend seminars as part of my continuing education. In addition, I currently serve as the Administrator of the German Languge Division and am also the Dictionary Review Coordinator for the GLD newsletter interaktiv.

Specializing In

Finance & Accounting

• Annual Reports
• Financial Statements
• Management Reports
• Banking / Investment
• Financial Audit
• Propectuses
• Tax Audit

Michael J. Engley